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2 in 1 Rapid Test Strip(β-lactams & Tetracyclines )

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2 in 1 Rapid Test Strip(β-lactams & Tetracyclines )

Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $252.00.

FG001. In stock N/A .


1. Principle

This kit is based on the specific reaction of antibody-antigen and immunochromatography.

β-lactams and tetracyclines antibiotics in the sample compete for the antibody with the antigen coated on the membrane of the test strip. Then after a color reaction, the result can be observed.

2. Applications

This kit is used for rapid qualitative analysis of β-lactams and tetracyclines in milk sample.

3. Detection Limit (LOD)

β-Lactams Results (μg/L, ppb)
Penicillin G 1-2
Tetracyclines Results (μg/L, ppb)
Tetracycline 2-4


---8-well strip and 8 test strips in one bottle. 12 bottles / kit.

---1Kit insert

Use One strip for one sample, the rest strips can be stored in the bottle for future use.

5.Assay operations

  • Read the instructions carefully before experiment. Bring the test kit and samples to room temperature. Milk samples should be fully liquid without any agglomeration and
  • Take bottles needed from the kit package, take out required wells and strips, and make proper marks. Please use these test strips within 1h. Seal the cap of the bottles. The rest strips can be stored for future
  • Take 200ul of the test samples into the wells, then repeatedly absorb and drop for 5 times to mix the sample with the reagent in the wells completely. The mixture should be pink, and then start the
  • Incubate for 5min at room temperature (25oC); insert the test strips into the wells with the "MAX" end fully dipped in to the
  • Incubate for 5min at room temperature again. Take out the strip; judge the result accordingto

Part 6

  1. Results

There are 3 lines in the strip, Control line, Beta-lactams Line and Tetracylcines Line, which are briefly used as “C”, “B” and “T”. The test results will depend on the color of these lines. The following diagram describes the result identification. Negative: Control line, B Line and T Line are all red;

Beta-lactams Positive: Control Line is red, B Line has no color;

Tetracyclines Positive: Control Line is red, T Line has no color;

Beta-lactams and Tetracyclines Positive: Control Line is red; B Line and T Line have no color;

Please notice: Control line is used as a quality indicator, which willalways appear regardless of the B/T line. If Control line does NOTappear, this indicates that the result is invalid. Users please check the kit insert again and re-do the assay with new teststrips.

7. Specificity

The kit has no cross reactions with clenbuterol, ractopamine, salbutamol, melamine, trenbolone, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol,macrolides and other drugs.

8. Storage

2-8℃in cool dark place, do not freeze. The kit will be valid in 12 months.The lot number and expired date are printed on the package.

  1. Notice for operations(1) Please do theassay
  2. Specification:96t