Take a case study:
A 55-year-old man has weakness in his left leg. As per his medical history, he has diabetes as well as a patient of hypertension. However, his brain image shows a ‘brain stroke,’ and his cholesterol level has increased. So, as per his records, his low-density lipoprotein is also high. For the uninitiated, this is one of the primary significance of lipoprotein in current medical scenario.
Both low and high density of lipoprotein has certain specific impacts on human body, and they are distinctly amphipathic in nature. Thus, medical research states that lipoprotein has singularly emerged as a risk factor for development of heart disease.
Before your heart starts pumping extra fast, just check certain facts out!
Significance of lipoprotein: The ‘different’ protein
Lipoprotein is specific particles that are made of fat droplets, and there is a singular layer of phospholipid molecules around it. In fats as lipoprotein, there are polar ends that enable its presence on top of the blood. This consistent interaction of lipoprotein with cholesterol levels that causes hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis) resulting in cardiovascular attacks. This lipoprotein has a specific lipid core of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides. From here, these lipids are absorbed in diet and then post adipose tissue synthesis is sent to various cells for storage and further usage.
Significance of lipoproteins:
This is another important area that you have to consider when you deal with importance of this fat compound. The lipid profile is a very important part of correct evaluation of health. Content of LDL, HDL levels as well as VLDL levels should be according to total plasma cholesterol level. Though fatty acids are important for a particular body, however, if you consume OMEGA 3 unsaturated fats levels of triglyceride as well as cholesterol levels see a sudden drop. In this regard, one has to keep the HDL levels high.
Another significance of lipoprotein for proper functioning of coronary muscles and lowers risk of atherosclerosis. Exercise, weight loss, and reduction in alcohol consumption and smoking help to keep the level high. But on a medical note, the functional HDL is more important for the human body than simply high levels.
Recent medical discoveries in regards to lipoprotein:
Since it has an inversely proportional ratio with pumping of blood; multiple lab tests have been made on it. The discoveries that have come to the forefront are: Patients who have diseases related to sickle cell, the abnormal lipoprotein conditions are related to vaso-occlusive events. A particular vaccine that has already been used on mice and is supposed to enter the medical market in 2025 shows vaccine for cholesterol reduction. This in turn will reduce binding of lipoprotein and immunize people against heart problems. For people who have a high lipoprotein content in their blood, wheatgrass has come forth as a medication.
Since lipoprotein is a chemical compound; scientists are carrying out multiple tests for redeeming its effects. To ease this process, test kits are available from various medical centers. In case you wish to test the actual significance of lipoprotein, make sure that you get the kit from authentic research companies.